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Total Video Games

Spong, UK


Found this on the tube... very intrigued

Hi everyone,

I'm a tube driver on the London Underground and when I was walking through my empty train on Sunday night at about 11.30 I found a sealed envelope with a black bird on the front. Inside was a A4 piece of paper with "do you know who i am before i gone missing ?" on it. It looks like it was done on a typewriter but there's no indentation on the back, so it's been printed. (Same with the bird actually).
There is also a black and white photo of a man leaning on a car by a field. It seems like a genuine old photo. On the back this is written - " Nry Gt. Yarmouth. Aug 15-22. 19Yo"

So I've done a bit of googling but I have no idea what I'm doing to be honest. I've also searched this forum but can't seem to find anything. Sorry if I've done anything wrong - very, very new to this (never heard of ARGs or trailheads before yesterday..!) I want to find out what this is - whether it's a project or advertising or whatever! Any tips on what to do next would be gratefully received!

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Seeking User or Agency to Create ARG

I am looking for portfolios and resumes from people or companies who have created ARGs and successfully run them to completion.

My agency is looking to review your past work to help determine if it would be appropriate and feasible to run an ARG for a popular tourist attraction. To this end, we would need to see outlines and production notes from past games.

Please be prepared to discuss elements of your work including cost planning and lead times necessary for games of different sizes. This is not a guarantee of work, but all submissions will be vetted for future consideration.

Any and all work contracted would be very fairly compensated.

Interested parties should email me at FPenca (at) LNPNews (dot) com. Please include "ARG Development" in your email title.

Thank you!

How to Make an ARG for a Complete Beginner?

Hey. I've gotten back into ARGs, and I'd like to create one of my own. I know enough to know that I won't be launching anytime soon, and it'll probably go through a lot of planning, but I still do want to make one; the only problem is I don't how to make the puzzles/a good puzzletrail/a good trailhead (and other etc things). I wanted to look at ARG post-mortems to see how they did it, but most of them have been taken down (a lot of the articles too), so that leaves me with no knowledge of how to actually handle running one.

Anyone here got good up to date links about the intricacies of running/making an ARG? Good puzzle ideas, how to make the various social media accounts look realistic (dates and such), and things of that nature would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

PCCTS http://jahbulonian.byethost7.com/

I havent seen it in news page yet so here it is (I am just reposting this):

You people might wanna check out this right here:



There also are numerous topics that popped up all over the web during the last week:





But the best and most informative topic is this one on ATS:



It has hidden images and hidden links. And also a weird Youtube channel.

I found older thread from 2011 about PCCTS on Unifiction:


EverymanHYBRID 2016

Organized in order of time of first post:

The YouTube account

The Twitter account




The UStream account

HABIT'S Twitter account

2010 Timeline

The Slender Nation threads


2011 Timeline


2012 Timeline


2013 Timeline


2014 Timeline


And to cap it off:


2015 Timeline

Fun facts:

The original EMH thread began in May 2010 and had 17807 posts when it was finally locked.

The EMH 2011 thread racked up 9030 posts.

The EMH 2012 thread had 2473 posts.

The EMH 2013 thread had 859 posts.

EMH 2014 got 467 posts.

Last year's thread? 236 posts.

Let's see how this year goes.

[TRAILHEAD] ZeroJournal

I just came across this channel last night. This one started around week ago and currently has 3 videos (in russian with english subtitles!).

Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXCtTDTX-D58Ucc5DBXiqoA

[TRAILHEAD] Busqueda Ciro09

hi, i just wan't to share a arg from slender, is called " busqueda ciro09", arg from argentina, also, what do you think of this arg?


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Les troupes deja debarquees s'avancerent pour prendre une batterie sur la droite, et les autres, qui avaient pris terre plus bas un instant apres eux, firent aussitot leurs efforts pour lutter d'activite avec leurs camarades; ils etaient grenadiers. Elle avait donc connu des moments d'emotion passionnee, quand Zola et Picquart affrontaient la grande Betel'opinion dechainee; et il n'etait pas impossible que, comme plus d'une jeune fille, magasin bio en ligne passant le long de la prison du Cherche-Midi, son coeur n'eut battu pour celui qui y etait enferme. La etait le greffier, lisant un journal pose sur le registre d'ecrou, registre lugubre, ou sont inscrits et decrits tous ceux que l'inconduite, la misere, le crime, un coup de tete, une erreur quelquefois, ont amene devant cette porte basse du Depot. La douce chaleur de son corps me penetrait a travers ses habits et les miens; mille ruisseaux magnetiques rayonnaient autour d'elle; sa vie tout entiere semblait avoir passe en moi et l'avoir abandonnee completement.

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La jeune femme admirait la prevoyance avec laquelle l'architecte avait jadis menage ce passage secret, utile a quelque fuite desesperee meme au temps ou une simple porteexempte d'eboulis mais susceptible etre facilement condamnee par un envahisseur perspicaceseparait seule la crypte du chateau. C'est en te regardant que le souvenir de ce que j'avais lu m'est revenu et que j'ai, sans avoir bien conscience de ce que je faisais, compare celle que je voyais, que je revoyais apres l'avoir crue perdue, a celle dont j'avais garde l'image dans mon coeur. On peut dire, sans etre taxe d'exageration, que dans ce simple monument, qui represente deux urnes enlacees de guirlandes d'immortelles et les attributs symboliques des vertus chretiennes, venaient de descendre l'esperance et le bonheur de la France26. Plusieurs de nos lecteurs, interesses par les pages de l'Enfant-Roi et des Dragons de l'Imperatrice que nous leur avons offertes dans notre supplement musical du 11 mars, nous ont demande de leur donner aussi des fragments de deux des autres oeuvres musicales les plus recentes.

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Il constituerait la meilleure chance de se maintenir pour la dynastie des Habsbourg, qui sera d'ailleurs fatalement obligee, par la poussee des Slaves et des Roumains de la monarchie, a renoncer a l'actuel compromis austro-hongrois. Il y avait dans son evasion seule, a part les projets qu'il nourrissait pour l'avenir, projets, il faut l'avouer, encore fort vagues et fort incertains, un commencement de vengeance qui lui dilatait le coeur. Cesar, etant sur le point de combattre les Germains commandes par Arioviste, et voyant le courage de ses troupes abattu, les rassembla et leur dit que dans cette circonstance la dixieme legion seule marcherait a l'ennemi. Peu a peu l'enchanteresse avait revetu cette parure magique qu'elle reprenait et quittait a volonte, c'est-a- dire la beaute, la douceur, les larmes et surtout l'irresistible attrait de la volupte mystique, la plus devorante des voluptes.

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Kudos. Plenty of postings!

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[TRAILHEAD] Stan Frederick

Let me just say this, one of the great expectations of a reboot or a sequel (in this case both) is that it brings new elements in-game.
I'm sure that everyone has been waiting for this for a long time.
I know I have.
So when I heard Evan was making a reboot to his original series I was very excited.
In case your lost on the whole updated story of Stan. I will give a brief explanation if you don't follow his twitter.

1. All of his tweets from early 2013 to late 2014 are gone.
2. Stan lost his left index finger while doing his job, and changed his profile pictures.
3. Unlisted all his previous videos and hopes to help people who have been through similar experiences like himself. (also vents on twitter)

He recently posted on twitter:

March 15th:
Breakthroughs in therapy. Feeling good, better than usual. Work is getting easier, but being away from Susan is getting harder.

March 16th:
She's been back in Connecticut with David & Julia for a few months now. I've been trying to distract myself, but work makes that hard.

March 18th:
I'm actually considering something really big. Something that might be really helpful therapeutically.

March 18th:


This feels like a great start, and hopefully it will get better as it continues.

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Quelques questions speciales relatives a la philosophie de la nature dans son etat actuel et qui offraient un interet particulier, ont ete abordees dans mon Recueil de Conferences populaires concernant la theorie de l'evolution (1878). L'ouverture des cours du College de France et de la Sorbonne est, chaque annee, un evenement pour la population studieuse du quartier latin et pour tous les lettres de Paris, et la rentree des professeurs aimes du public est impatiemment attendue par la foule de leurs auditeurs. Il y a une foule de sensations qui me sont echappees; je n'ai plus mes idees primitives; je suis aveugle le premier par les usages & par les loix; je suis trop loin de l'epoque ou j'aurois pu saisir les objets sous le rapport que vous auriez desire.

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General Press Thread

Total Video Games

Spong, UK


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Coquelin avait interesse a son oeuvre le ban et l'arriere-ban de ses amisnotabilites du monde des arts, de l'industrie, de la politique, seance de massage lyon la presse, de la financepierre a pierre l'edifice fut acheve. Marie, qui ne pouvait vivre sans occuper ses doigts, venait de se remettre a une broderie, un de ces fins travaux d'aiguille qu'elle s'entetait a faire pour une grande maison de trousseaux et layettes, voulant au moins, disait-elle en riant, gagner son argent de poche. Il mit l'epee a la main en meme temps, et en moins de rien fit voler a terre deux epees, ouvrit deux ou trois tetes, donna force coups sur les oreilles, et deconfit si bien messieurs de l'embuscade que tous les assistans avouerent qu'ils n'avoient jamais vu un si vaillant homme.

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Tips nicely applied.!

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[Trailhead] Training Video 1 - Mushroom


I found the bible image and the site, but not much else. Thought I'd post on here since, based on view count, not a lot of people have seen this. Posted just a week ago, could become a larger game.

I am the new girl

Awesome facts, Thanks.

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